Saturday, February 23, 2008


We are ten days into the experiment that is parenthood. So far the baby seems to be surviving pretty well.

Right now Liam is sitting naked (plus diaper) in his mom's arms. She is telling him what it will be like when he grows up. 

The naked part is me asserting my parental prerogative. I hate him being in clothes all the time while the Lafavillas apparently feel it is a sin to ever show baby skin to the air. Now he is getting dressed again, obviously my parental powers only go so far. Last night Liam slept in the same bed as us, only the second time he has stayed in our room since we got him home. Celeste's parents have been taking him at night so that Celeste can get much needed rest.

In the hospital they were debating giving Celeste a blood transfusion from low blood count after labour. We all decided against it, but it has meant that she needs a lot of rest. 

Last night went pretty well though. He is pretty easy still at this point. If he wakes up he just needs to be fed and/or changed and he tends to go right back to sleep. If nothing else a quick walk around the house tends to get him ready to sleep again.

I have been trying to do a good amount of assisting. Mostly that has involved washing/sterilising breast pump and bottles, changing diapers and clothing and carrying him around. Oh, I also feed him sometimes (expressed milk or formula).

Otherwise, not a lot to do with baby. We all spend a lot of time staring at him and commenting on how cute (guapo) and handsome (and hairy) he is. This is one furry little monkey, arms, name it he's got fur on it. 

Samson is handling it all pretty well. He is always sniffing around the boy, but he is usually pretty understanding that if he licks he gets removed from the area so avoids that in the main. Whenever baby cries he tends to run to check out what the problem is. When baby slept on the bed, Samson was very good about staying well clear of him.  It will be great once the kid is old enough that he and Sam can spend more quality time together. 

For now, that's about it.


penguindevil said...

A baby who sleeps? Someone who takes him away at night? You guys have it too easy...

All the more reason to say "congratulations!" once again! I can't wait to meet the little duffer!

compitellojmc said...

Jon! Congrats on becoming a daddy! yea! how wonderful. -Janan